What’s New at Skai Lama?

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New Features and Routing: Content Screen Preview, Date Preview, Analytics Page, Quiz Analytics Models

Skai Lama
February 29, 2024

New Feature

• Added Content Screen Preview & Date Preview

• Added Page Routing for Analytics page

• Added Custom Logic and created models for quiz analytics

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Feature Additions and Code Migration: Text Input Preview, Page Type Previews, Content Type Forms Integration, Analytics Page Initiated

Skai Lama
February 28, 2024

New Feature

• Added Text Input Preview

• Migrated Code to support other Page Type Previews

• Integrated All Content Type Forms

• Started on Analytics Page

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UI Fixes and Feature Enhancements: Quick Settings Toggle, Horizontal Page Options, Text and Date Options, Content Screen Improvements

Skai Lama
February 27, 2024

New Feature


Bug Fix


• Fixed minor UI issues in the colors and syles quick settings toggle.

• Fixed Horizontal Page Options Overflow.

• Wrapped up Text and Date Options remaining Feature Sets.

• Content Screen Page Config Added.

• Content Screen add Section Logic Added.

• Content Screen Blocks reordering done.

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Checkout Wiz

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Improvements: Error Banner Removal, Currency Matching, Checkout Targets

Skai Lama
February 27, 2024

New Feature

Bug Fix

Support Request

• Removed error banner from Upsell and LIA blocks.

• Removed LIA loading state.

• Fixed currency mismatch issue - Started using useLocalizationCountry.

• Introduced new Checkout Targets for Upsell, Content, Custom Fields and Address Validation blocks.

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Enhancement: Promotion Checklists with Detailed Troubleshooting

Skai Lama
February 26, 2024

New Feature

• Added feature which does some checks and shows a checklist why the promotion is not working along with fixes.

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Bug Fixes, UI Improvements, and Code Optimization: Preview Tab, Quiz Preview, Design Settings, Scrollbar, Constant Files, and Input Logic Integration

Skai Lama
February 26, 2024


New Feature


Bug Fix

• Fixed One bug in Preview Tab due to migration! Pushed the bug fix on master

• Fixed Content Overflow In Quiz Preview when too many options are there

• Segragrated the Design Settings Components into reusable sub components (reduced 2000 lines, else code would have been too complex and duplicated code)

• UI Improvement: Fixed the Scrollbar (It's slim and healthy)

• Made necessary changes in constant files (content screen and minor schema changes)

• Integrated Date Input and Text Input Logic

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Enhanced Storefront

Skai Lama
February 23, 2024

Bug Fix

• Free gift product modified loading broken image & old title in storefront. 2. Plus plan customer taking 0$ plan fixed. 3. Beta customers getting pricing screen fixed via migration.

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Easy Bundles

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Mobile-Exclusive Dropdown Implemented in Tab-Based Design

Skai Lama
February 23, 2024


• Dropdown in tab based design, only active on mobile screens.

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Enhancements: Free Pricing Plan Popup, Single Language Option, Basic Pricing Plans

Skai Lama
February 23, 2024

New Feature


• Free pricing plan popup implemented, Single Language option added back on free Gift settings page.

• Free Pricing Plan Popup - If a customer having 300+ store orders(in last 30 days) & attempts to take a free plan will result in seeing a basic pricing plan popup.

• There are two basic pricing plan available in popup -

• If a customer having less than 500 orders, will see basic plan discounted by 3$ which is 6.99$

• If a customer having more than 500 orders, will see basic plan at original price.

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Bug Fixes: Single Language Mode Issues on Storefront and Free Gift Settings Page

Skai Lama
February 23, 2024

Bug Fix

• Single lang mode, then it was not working on storefront.

• Single Language Bug on Free Gift(free settings page).

• Single Language Bug on Free Gift(free settings page).

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