Black Friday Email Marketing: Strategies, Examples, and Tips

Neetika M
September 16, 2024
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You may already know that email ROI in the DTC and e-commerce space is $45 for every $1 spent. We aren’t surprised. Black Friday emails offer you a direct line of contact to your most engaged audiences i.e. those who have opted into your list. As ad rates go up during BFCM, emails are an effective organic route to create awareness about your Black Friday promotional events. Compared to SMS, another organic medium, emails can include a multitude of design elements. This gives you the flexibility to be creative and impactful. There’s no doubt that Black Friday emails are an essential tool in your toolkit. 

Now, Black Friday Cyber Monday emails aren't just about sending deals. In this article, we will share with you impactful strategies that will turn your emails into a conversion powerhouse. As you finish this article, you’ll be equipped with how to create highly segmented email campaigns that build excitement, drive urgency, build loyalty, and maximize conversions. Let’s get into it. 

1. Review Past Email Marketing Campaigns 

Sharpen your scissors before you cut the ribbon. Make sure you review your and your competitor's Black Friday campaigns from previous years and make copious notes. 

You most likely would have subscribed to your competitor’s email campaigns. Go back and read through all their emails sent from August onwards. Study and take notes on the following: 

  1. First date of sending Black Friday-related emails
  2. Email schedule- days of the week and time 
  3. Campaign theme if any
  4. Promotional offers- type of offers
  5. Subject line- approach and content
  6. Body copy content 
  7. Approach to expressing urgency 
  8. Offers provided by the competition
  9. Call to action 

2. Segment Your Black Friday Email Audience

As per a 2024 report by Drip, only 20% of e-commerce stores segment their email customers. This is an alarming number. Segmenting your Black Friday email marketing list helps you send targeted communication that achieves higher engagement & conversion. The right message to the right recipient will improve engagement multifold. You can segment basis recipients’ purchase history, loyalty, engagement levels, or demographics. Some key segments are: 

Recent Shoppers – According to Tresl, 52% of BFCM revenue comes from returning customers, many of whom made a purchase just 30 days before Black Friday. Create 30, 60, and 90-day shopper segments, and tailor your communication accordingly. Some may need a little more convincing than others, so craft your messaging to suit each group.

Last BFCM Shoppers – This segment is pure gold! Shoppers who engaged with you during last year’s Black Friday are already primed for holiday shopping. You can further segment them by purchase frequency, high-value spenders, or deal-seekers. Fine-tune your messaging to speak directly to their buying behavior.

Top 5%-10% Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) – These are your MVPs. They’ve invested the most time and money in your brand and are likely to do the same this Black Friday. Reward them with exclusive deals, early access, or special discounts. Make them feel like the VIPs they are. 

Recent Email Openers – They may not have purchased lately, but they’re still opening your emails. That’s a clear sign of interest, so why not harness it for BFCM? Send them targeted offers to reignite their shopping spark.

Product Browsers – Also known as browse abandonment emails, these are for the folks who browsed your store but didn’t buy. Send them personalized emails featuring the categories they checked out, with a promise of irresistible Black Friday deals to seal the deal.

Category Buyers – Customize your promotions based on the categories your customers frequently shop. For instance, if someone loves body care products, send them BFCM promos tailored specifically to that category – it’s all about keeping it relevant. 

Using these segments, you can create highly personalized emails that have a higher chance of conversion. Use dynamic content to customize these emails with personalized recommendations, names, or past shopping behavior. 

3. Build Your Black Friday Email Lists

It's good practice to flag off your Black Friday email marketing by bolstering your email list. Here are some effective ways you can create an email list that delivers for you during Black Friday Cyber Monday: 

Account Creation Prompts – Encourage customers to create an account before checking out. It speeds up their future shopping and gives you their all-important email address. Highlight the perks like tracking orders, accessing order history, creating wishlists, and more – because who doesn’t love a smoother shopping experience?

Pop-Ups for Newsletter Sign-Up – If your industry has customers who are passionate about what they buy (think fashion, pet food, gardening, etc.), a newsletter is a great way to engage them. Use well-designed pop-ups to encourage sign-ups and stay connected with your most enthusiastic buyers.

Sign-Up Incentives – Short on time? A quick sign-up campaign offering a gift card, free shipping, or access to exclusive sales can do wonders for collecting emails. Everyone loves a perk, and you get a way to stay in touch. 

Contests and Giveaways – Want a fun way to build your email list? Host contests, spin-the-wheel promos, or quizzes. Just be sure to include an opt-in checkbox so they’re in for both the prizes and your newsletter. 

Social Media – Leverage your organic reach on social media to drive traffic to your email sign-up form. Add a sense of urgency with a Black Friday hook, and sweeten the deal with a limited-time discount code to boost sign-ups.

Product Quizzes and Feedback – Product recommendation quizzes and feedback forms are great tools to gather emails. Make the surveys engaging by asking questions customers are eager to answer, like their favorite holiday styles or opinions on product packaging. You can use the Byte app by Skai Lama to create industry-specific quizzes. Byte is Klaviyo integrated. 

4. Deliverability Best Practices for Black Friday Email Marketing 

Email deliverability measures how successfully your brand emails reach the target inboxes. Sending a Black Friday email may seem like a straightforward task, but factor in spam filters and flooding by other brands; then it isn't. You need to close all deliverability loops way ahead of Black Friday Cyber Monday.  This section is for brands who are getting started on their email marketing journey. Here’s what you do: 

1. Conduct an Email Health Audit

Before Black Friday, ensure your email authentication and compliance protocols are in place. These protocols prevent your emails from being marked as spam or phishing emails. 

Sender Policy Framework (SPF)- Set this up to prevent spammers from sending emails that appear to be coming from your server

Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)- Allows the receiving server to verify if the email came from your server

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)- To protect your domain from unauthorized use by creating a policy in your DNS records that provides instructions for how the receiving server should handle email authentications that have failed and send a report to you. 

Dedicated Sending Domain- Companies use this strategy to isolate their main domain from email-sending activities. This is to protect the main domain’s reputation. 

It may sound complicated but most email marketing tools help you do this with a few clicks. Use the above as a checklist. 

2. Warm Up Your Email List

It's a common mistake to start sending emails just before the holidays without warming up your audience. This often results in low engagement rates and can even block your emails. 

  • A proper warm-up period helps build trust between your sender IP, domain, and mailbox providers, increasing the likelihood that your emails will be delivered.
  • If you are newly authenticated, start the warm-up well ahead of time. 
  • If you are already authenticated, plan to send emails to more of your subscribers. Gradually increase the list instead of doing it all at once.

5. Black Friday Email Marketing Sequence

Black Friday Cyber Monday window is your chance to create a meaningful email campaign that engages customers over the entire duration. By crafting a series of event-specific, targeted emails, you can build anticipation, drive a sense of urgency, and maximize conversions. In this section, we will cover the typical sequence you can follow for your Black Friday email marketing. 

Pre- BFCM Emails

SMS List Building Emails – Encourage your existing email subscribers to opt into SMS updates with a compelling offer. Let them know they’ll be the first to receive timely promotions straight to their phone. Sweeten the deal with exclusive early access or a special discount – because who doesn't love being VIP?

Win-Back Emails – Give your inactive customers a little nudge before BFCM. If they’ve been quiet for more than 90 days, send them a win-back email with a gift card and a limited time to redeem it. A ticking clock works wonders for motivation! Check out our case study on how Sunrise Flour Mills used our app, GiftKart, to generate $11,000 in win-back revenue. Use the GiftKart app to create custom cashback campaigns and gift cards to win back customers. GiftKart is integrated with Klaviyo and allows you to send automated bulk campaigns. 

Sale Announcement / Save-the-Date Emails – Black Friday and Cyber Monday have evolved beyond just one weekend. With brands stretching the event into a full week or even "Black November," it’s a good idea to keep your customers in the loop. Send a “save the date” email so they know exactly when your sale kicks off. 

Wishlist Creation Emails – Wishlists are a double win. Not only do they get customers engaged early, but they also help you track trending products. Make it fun by offering participants gifts or hosting a sweepstakes. A brand, last year, even promised to grant the winner their entire wishlist. 

Sneak Peek / Sale Teaser Emails – Teaser emails are your chance to build anticipation for your Black Friday sale. Give customers a sneak peek of the product categories that will be on sale, and if you’re planning any juicy deals like deep discounts or BOGO offers, be sure to drop that hint too.

Sale Countdown Emails – Build excitement as the big day approaches with countdown emails. Remind your customers there’s only “one week left,” “two days left,” or even “two hours left” until the sale begins. The thrill of the countdown can work wonders in spurring them into action. 

Early Access or Early Bird Emails- If you’re hosting a special pre-Black Friday sale for your VIP customers or SMS subscribers, don’t forget to send out those early access announcement emails. Be sure to include a clear, high-converting CTA that takes them directly to the right landing page. The same applies to Early Bird offer emails. 

Gift Guide/ Gift Recommendation Quiz Emails- Black Friday is when shoppers finish their holiday shopping. Emails with gift guides and gift recommendation quizzes are effective tools to enable product discovery. You can set up gift recommendation quizzes using the Byte App by Skai Lama

During BFCM Emails

Sale Launch Announcement – Start your BFCM sale with a bang! Send out a launch announcement email as soon as your sale goes live. Showcase your hottest deals with eye-catching visuals that demand attention. Make sure your CTA is bold and directs customers straight to the sale page. Induce a little urgency by using phrases such as “Shop Now Before It’s Gone!” 

Browse Abandonment Email – Not every visitor will buy on their first visit. Send a friendly reminder featuring the products they browsed. Include images of the items and a tempting message to lure them back. Sweeten the deal with a small discount or free shipping to encourage them to complete their purchase.

Cart Abandonment Email – Cart abandonment emails are essential during BFCM. If a customer leaves without checking out, send a reminder highlighting what’s in their cart. Use persuasive language to nudge them toward finishing their purchase. Offering a limited-time discount or mentioning item scarcity can work wonders here.

Order Confirmation Email – As soon as someone makes a purchase, hit them with an order confirmation email. Include all the important details—what they bought, total cost, shipping info, and delivery date. It’s also a perfect moment to thank them and suggest a few complementary products while you're at it!

Last Chance Reminder Email – As the BFCM sale winds down, send a “last chance” reminder to create urgency. Let customers know the clock’s ticking and this is their final shot to snag those deals. Make sure you include a countdown timer to create an impact. 

Post BFCM Emails

Sale Extension Emails – Decided to keep the Black Friday fun going? Let your customers know with a sale extension email. Highlight that, due to popular demand, the sale has been extended, giving them extra time to grab those deals. This is a great way to catch those who missed out the first time around.

Feedback & Review Emails – Want to build your brand’s credibility? Send a follow-up email a few days after delivery encouraging customers to leave a review of their purchase. Positive reviews don’t just boost your reputation; they help attract new shoppers too. 

Follow-Up Offer Emails – Don’t let the BFCM buzz die down. Send follow-up emails thanking customers for their purchases and offering a special discount on their next order. It’s a perfect way to turn those one-time buyers into loyal customers

6. Timing is Everything- Black Friday Email Schedules

If you have been sending e-commerce emails for a while, you already know the time slots that work for you. However, during Black Friday Cyber Monday, the laws of email marketing are challenged as thousands of companies vie for a space in customers’ inboxes.

Attentive analyzed the best time to send emails during the period. The best time was determined basis the time slot which delivered the highest email conversion rates. The timings were:

Thanksgiving - 12 am

Black Friday- 10 pm

Small Business Saturday - 2 am

BFCM Sunday- 12 am 

Cyber Monday -11 pm

Giving Tuesday- 9 pm  

7. Black Friday Email Content Best Practices

Effective content is the cornerstone of every successful email marketing campaign. Here is what you can do to elevate your email subject lines, body content and design: 

1. Black Friday Email Subject Line 

Length: As per Omnisend, who analyzed 229 million Black Friday emails, subject lines up to 7 words to have a better open rate. 55 characters is usually the standard so it displays correctly on all devices and email service providers. 

Craft Copy that Drives Open Rates: Remember, your subject line can make or break your Black Friday email campaign. Make it engaging and relevant to the body content. If going for quirky copy or clickbaity copy, make sure it aligns with your brand. 

Entice with Discounts, Urgency, or Scarcity: These are drivers that encourage customers to open an email. Make sure you incorporate them in your subject line. The phrases “chance to save” and “coupon” have better open rates than “free shipping” or “BOGO” when used in subject lines during Black Friday.

Incorporate Emojis: Add a pop of color to boost engagement, visually.

Avoid Spam Triggering Keywords: Stay clear of terms like "Free" or "Urgent" to keep out of spam folders.

Personalize: Use insights from your segmentation exercise to create customized offers that can be communicated in the subject line. Addressing customers by their names in the subject line is another way to do this. 

Leverage Preview Text: Support your subject with a preview text that seems like a natural extension. Write the text in a manner that helps boost open rates. 

A/B Test: Remember to A/B test your subjectlines

2. Black Friday Email Body Content 

Word Count: When writing your body copy, maintain your total word count below 480 words for higher click rates 

Product Recommendation: Brands capitalize the email real-estate to recommend products to the reader. For higher click rates, feature anything between 3 to 6 products. 

Discount Percentages: Discounts between 10%-25% showed higher click rates in email, than other ranges, during Black Friday. However, these vary as per industry. For example, a very deep discount may get you email clicks but if the customer doesn't find value in the deal, after visiting your website, they will not convert. Check our detailed blog on discount pricing strategies for Black Friday to understand how to create discount promotions that convert. 

Create Urgency: Urgency helps drive conversions as customers don’t want to miss out on a good deal. Use a countdown timer and copy that communicates urgency to encourage clicks on your CTAs. Some example phrases are ‘limited time offer’, ‘sale ends tonight’, ‘last 2 days’, and ‘offer for valid only for today’. 

Communicate Scarcity: This is another way to encourage quick action. Phrases like ‘limited stock’, ‘limited availability’, or ‘limited access’, make your customers want to take action. 

3. Black Friday Email Design 

Heat Map Study: Go through heat maps of Black Friday emails from previous years to see how customers navigate these emails. Iterate for this year, accordingly. You can access heat maps on your email marketing tool dashboard, in case it has the feature. 

Clean Layout with Visual Hierarchy: Make sure there is a clear visual hierarchy that improves readability. The header is central to your email campaign. So make sure it communicates your primary offer. A 60:40 split between images and text is recommended. Use high-quality images that are compressed for email. Avoid visual clutter at all costs. 

Call-to-Action (CTA): CTAs are the final destination of any Black Friday email. You want customers to take action. However, don’t overdo the number of CTAs. Use a maximum of 3. CTAs above 3 have lower click rates as too much choice is confusing to customers. Make the CTA button stand out by using a contrasting color that works well with your color palette. 

Mobile Responsive Design: More than 50% of customers shop on their mobile phones during BFCM. Create a single-column design as it is easier to make it responsive for mobile. Use responsive email templates and engage CSS to foolproof your Black Friday emails for all types of devices. Image sizes should be optimized for mobile too. 

Use Alt-Text: Increase the accessibility quotient of your email by embedding alt-text in the images. Alt-texts help recipients identify texts when images don't load or when they have switched on their screen reader. 

Dynamic Content: Try dynamic content to personalize your Black Friday email marketing. Dynamic content lets you customize email based on the recipient, instead of carpet bombing every email to all segments. Check if your email marketing tool supports this. 

Black Friday versus Your Brand: While your email has to be Black Friday-themed, don’t let it overpower your brand. If you do, your email will be just one among the hundreds, that a customer will receive. Use your brand’s colors, tone of voice, design elements, and fonts to differentiate yourself. 

Interactive Elements: Use interactive elements within email to increase engagement. Remember to make sure they don't weigh down the email and increase its load time. Some interactive elements you could use are gifs, interactive carousels, accordions, countdown timers, videos, and shopping within email. 

Email Footer: This is an ideal space to reinforce credibility for your brand during Black Friday. Utilize your email footer with social proof, trust badges, social media handles, unsubscribe button, and terms and conditions. 

8. Testing, Tracking, and Optimizing

To make the most of your Black Friday email campaigns, it’s crucial to track and optimize key metrics. In this section, we’ll explore how A/B testing can enhance your emails, which metrics to monitor, and how to use this data for ongoing improvements throughout the BFCM season. Let’s dive in and turn those emails into revenue-generating machines. 

Metrics to Track: Black Friday Email Key Performance Indicators

To gauge the success of your email campaigns, keep an eye on these crucial metrics:

Open Rates: This metric shows the percentage of Black Friday email recipients who choose to open your email. A high open rate is proof that your subject line is effective. 

Click-Through Rates (CTR): This measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on one or more links in your email. It’s a good indicator of how engaging your content is.

Conversion Rates: This tells you the percentage of recipients who completed the desired action, such as making a purchase. This is the metric you refer to, to gauge your email’s effectiveness.

Revenue per Email: This is an ROI recognition metric that helps you gauge the financial return on each email. It’s calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by the number of emails sent.

A/B Testing: Mastering the Art of Experimentation

A/B testing is your ally when optimizing Black Friday email marketing performance. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Subject Lines: Create two versions of your subject line and send them to different segments of your audience. Analyze which one gets more opens. This will help you nail down the subject line that works. 

Content: Test different types of content to see what resonates more. Let your audience's engagement guide you, whether it’s a detailed offer description or a short, punchy message.

CTAs (Call-to-Actions): Experiment with various CTAs to determine which one drives the most clicks. For example, “Shop Now” vs. “Get Your Deal” – the results might surprise you.

Layouts: Try different email designs. A clean, single-column layout might work better than a more complex, multi-column one. Test and see what your audience prefers.

Ongoing Optimization: The Continuous Improvement Cycle

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are not just about sending one perfect email; it’s about continuous improvement. Here’s how to use your data for ongoing optimization:

Analyze Results: After each A/B Test review your metrics. Identify what worked well for your Black Friday email marketing campaign and what didn’t.

Adjust Strategies: Based on your analysis, make necessary adjustments to your subject lines, content, CTAs, and layouts.

Test Again: Implement your changes and run new A/B tests. Leveraging this iterative process helps you to refine your email marketing strategy.

Repeat: Continuously optimize throughout the BFCM season to maximize your results.

By tracking these metrics and continuously optimizing your emails, you’ll be well on your way to a successful Black Friday email marketing campaign.

9. Black Friday Email Examples

Now that we have gone through all the essential strategies for your email campaign, let’s take a look at some examples. We have picked a variety of examples so browse through and pick what piques your interest. 

1. Poo Pourri Black Friday Sale Launch Email 

Subject Line: Our BIGGEST sale ever starts NOW!

Preview Text: 35% off SITEWIDE & 60% off select bundles

eview Text: 35% off SITEWIDE & 60% off select bundles

Poo Pourri Black Friday Email

Why We Liked It

Poo Pourri’s email uses a countdown timer to create urgency, paired with a "Deal of the Day" to attract immediate attention. The email offers a variety of deals to appeal to different buyer types. Festive colors and clean images evoke a holiday shopping spirit, perfect for Black Friday and Christmas. A free stocking stuffer with purchases over $40 boosts the average order value. Additional perks like free shipping, a 45-day money-back guarantee, and Afterpay reduce buyer hesitation, addressing common objections like shipping costs and financial constraints, ultimately helping drive conversions.

2. SMS List Building Email - Higher Dose

Subject Line- 📲 Text Us

Preview Text-  You’ll Get Early Black Friday Access

Higher Dose Black Friday Email Marketing

Why We Liked It

Higher Dose’s cryptic subject line intrigues recipients to open the email. The primary CTA encourages sign-ups for the exclusive SMS community rather than immediate purchases. Promoting “Black Friday Early Access” creates a sense of exclusivity. The sleek design and calming colors align with the brand’s premium feel, while the "Sign Me Up" button is clear and prominent. Relaxed imagery shows product benefits without lengthy descriptions, appealing to the wellness-focused audience. While the focus is SMS sign-ups, product features and CTAs appeal to health-conscious, tech-savvy customers. The copy cleverly creates excitement for the upcoming holiday shopping season.

3. Gift Guide- Rollies 

Subject Line: Better Gifting? Big Sleigh

Preview Text: Black Friday Sale is Still Here

Black Friday email marketing Rollies

Why We Liked It

Rollie’s Black Friday email captures attention with a festive pun in the headline, perfect for a gifting-centric message. Clean images highlight product packaging and gift ideas, while distinct gifting categories like "Gifts for Her" and "Gifts for Him" make it easy for shoppers to find what they need. Simple, bold CTAs guide customers to shop, and the "Shop All Gifting" button encourages further browsing. The copy emphasizes product quality and Australian design, tapping into customer trust and holiday spirit. Rollie’s email positions its products as gifts with value beyond the season, appealing to holiday and self-gifters alike.

4. Black Friday Promotional Email- Baboon to the Moon

Subject Line: ALMOST GONE: 25% OFF GO-BAGS

Preview Text: Black Friday Sale is Still Here

Why We Liked It

Baboon to the Moon’s bold "25% Off" text immediately captures attention, paired with dynamic GIFs to showcase product colors. A colorful offer banner contrasts against a black background, making the message pop. Product images with clear prices simplify decision-making, while showing a diverse range of bags appeals to various customer preferences. A prominent "Shop Everything" CTA guides readers, while a "Limited Time Offer" badge creates urgency. Social media icons at the bottom encourage further brand engagement. Consistent with the brand identity, the email’s design and tone appeal to regular customers and maintain a seamless brand identity. 

5. Early Access - Supergoop

Subject Line: Early Access: 20% OFF

Preview Text: Shop the Cyber Sale! | SPF obsessed...every single. day.

Supergoop Black Friday Email

Why We Liked It

Vibrant colors catch attention, breaking away from traditional muted sale tones, and aligning with the brand’s youthful image. Large, visible "20% OFF SITEWIDE" text ensures clarity, while bold “Shop Now” buttons provide easy navigation. Highlighting best-selling products, encourages action on popular items, driving conversions. The inclusion of original and discounted prices makes savings clear, and a clear promo code simplifies checkout. The copy’s urgency motivates early shopping behavior before the official sale starts.

6. Sitewide Sale - Bulletproof Coffee


Preview Text: 30% Off Sitewide

Bullet Proof Black Friday Email

Why We Liked It

The email prominently features "30% OFF Black Friday Savings" at the top with bold, attention-grabbing orange text. A well-placed "SHOP NOW" CTA directs recipients quickly to start shopping. Product descriptions highlight benefits, appealing to health-conscious customers. High-quality product images enhance the shopping experience, while consistent branding with Bulletproof’s signature orange and black reinforces identity. The simple, uncluttered design focuses on key products and the sale offer, ensuring recipients don’t feel overwhelmed. The second CTA, "SHOP THE SALE," reinforces the call to action and increases conversion chances, creating an easy and engaging experience for the recipient.

7. Black Friday Reminder Email- Deux 

Subject Line: Only 24 Hours Left

Preview Text: Who’s Counting? 

Deux Black Friday Email

Why We Liked It

The “24 Hours Left” headline and phrases like “LAST CHANCE” create a strong sense of urgency, pushing customers to act quickly. The 25% off discount is bold and clear, grabbing attention. Bright, fun colors align with the brand’s playful tone. Product images and strikethrough prices clearly show savings, while repeated “SHOP 25% OFF” buttons ensure readers can engage from anywhere in the email. The conversational tone builds rapport, making the brand approachable. The design and messaging encourage action while remaining fun and lighthearted, which resonates well with customers during high-stakes sales events like Black Friday.

8. Sneak Peak Cyber Monday- Olly 

Subject Line: Get Ready for Cyber Week Deals 

Preview Text: NA 

Olly Black Friday Email

Why We Liked It

Olly’s email builds anticipation for Cyber Week deals with phrases like "You won’t want to miss this!" and blurred images to create curiosity. Featuring best-sellers promotes trusted products that are in high demand. The clean, minimalist design with ample white space makes it easy to read, while consistent brand colors reinforce identity. The overall layout doesn’t overwhelm the reader, ensuring that the core message remains easy to digest while effectively promoting the upcoming sale.

9. VIP Early Access Announcement- Garner’s Garden

Subject Line: 🔥 VIP ACCESS 🔥 24% OFF ENTIRE STORE + FREEBIES + FREE SHIPPING for orders $100+.

Preview Text: Enjoy a bountiful 24% OFF PLUS freebies with code GGBFCM24; Be the first to get...

Black Friday Email Garners Garden

Why We Liked It

The large “24% OFF ENTIRE STORE” text grabs immediate attention. Combining the discount with $22 worth of freebies and free shipping makes the offer highly attractive. Referring to the recipient as a VIP makes them feel valued. The discount code is clearly presented, preventing friction during the purchase process. The “Shop Now” button is conveniently placed after the main offer. Special packages guide customers toward recommended products, likely increasing average order value. Festive leaves and lights in the design evoke a celebratory mood. The satisfaction guarantee in the fine print boosts confidence for hesitant buyers.

10. Final 48 Hours - Peloton

Subject Line: This Cyber Monday, Upto $700 off on Peloton Bikes

Preview Text: Less than 48 Hours Left to Save

Peloton’s Cyber Monday email effectively uses urgency, with phrases like “offer ends 11/28” and “limited time only.” The bold headline, “Up to $700 Off,” instantly grabs attention, while clear CTAs like “Buy Now” encourage action. Strong visuals, including product images, create aspiration among the readers.

The offer of a 30-day home trial and free returns addresses potential buyer hesitations. Additionally, the email is mobile-friendly, includes detailed pricing breakdowns, and provides convenient financing options. The design and content work together to drive conversions while reducing friction for new and returning customers.


In conclusion, launching your Black Friday email campaigns early, with personalized content and strategic timing, can significantly boost engagement and conversions. By ensuring email deliverability and continually testing your campaigns, you can maximize sales and build stronger customer relationships throughout BFCM. Use these strategies to create impactful campaigns this holiday season.


When to send Black Friday emails?

You should start sending teaser emails about 1–2 weeks before Black Friday. This builds anticipation and ensures your brand stays top-of-mind for shoppers. Starting early helps engage customers who want to plan their purchases. Many marketers recommend sending the first teaser around mid-November.

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