
10 Ideas to Upsell and Cross-Sell on Shopify Checkout Page

Sid B
September 6, 2023
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Have you wondered why at most offline stores you find small racks with items you can buy at checkout right before you make the payment? Or how is a cashier able to upsell a side of fries, a meal or encourage you to go for a bigger size when you have just confirmed your order?

Data says that upsells work best when the consumer has committed to a purchase. If someone is at the checkout, there is a higher chance of conversion and hence the best time to upsell and increase Average Order Value (AOV). Whether it’s an additional item, an upgrade or a subscription, it’s easier to convince a consumer when they have already selected what they want and emotionally invested in the purchase. In other words, a consumer at checkout has a high purchase intent and hence more willing to buy additional relevant products than someone who is still shopping and adding things to cart.

So what if you don’t have a cashier or a sales person to make the upsell at checkout. There are several ways online stores are achieving this through technology successfully. We have gone through a ton of data and Shopify stores to handpick the top 10 upsell and cross-sell techniques online stores are using to upsell and cross-sell at Shopify checkout page.

But before we get to Shopify Checkout upselling techniques, one of the most critical announcements that came from Shopify in 2023 is the launch of Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus Merchants. We discussed in another blog, how this is a game changer for Shopify Plus brands as it makes checkout customisation much easier without the need to touch any code or breaking the checkout process (We do not want that). Thus including checkout offers like upsells, bundling discounts or shipping and logistics information is much easier now with several apps offering a lot of these features in a seamless way.

Top 10 ideas - How to upsell and cross-sell on Shopify Checkout Page

1. Cross-Selling Strategies for Enhanced Shopify Checkout Experience

The most effective cross-selling on Shopify occurs when you offer products that are directly relevant to the products in cart. For eg. a CBD vape brand upsells a battery at a discounted price when a consumer adds a cartridge to the cart. With this simple strategy, they were able to convert 81 orders in just a week.

They set up the offer using CheckoutWiz by configuring a simple upsell rule and discount on selected products including the offer design and branding at checkout. Rest assured it uses the latest Shopify Checkout Extensions to power a seamless checkout.

CBD Brand on Shopify using Checkout Extensions with Checkout Wiz

Another way to do this in CheckoutWiz is personalizing Upsell Offers on Shopify using AI to recommend related products based on past purchase history of consumers. We have successfully seen a 2.5X upsell revenue increase with automated recommendation engine at checkout.

A recent study found that 56% of customers return to websites that recommend products. Also, 35% of Amazon’s revenue is generated by its recommendations engine.

You can configure these recommended buys at different places in checkout using CheckoutWiz based on where they convert the maximum.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

2. Limited time offer for a relevant upsell

Upsells are different from cross sells in a way that their objective is to convince a consumer to buy a  higher ticket priced item than what they are already buying. A great way to do that is by offering a good discount on a big ticket item and make it available for a limited time or present it as a special offer for the shopper.

For eg. Jasper Caven, a German health and supplement brand offers one of their more expensive and renowned formulas for a special discount encouraging customers to avail the special deal.

They set up this offer using CheckoutWiz and created a branded offer block to market the upsell without the need for consumer to go back to the cart or product page.

They were able to upsell €14K in 35 days through 154 orders. We know it works if you offer the right upsell at the right price.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

Looking for effective upsell techniques?

3.Offer other products at half off or a significant discount

Brands use this technique for products that are from last season, have excess inventory or last few pieces and are low selling items. Offering products at a significant discount is a great upsell strategy at checkout and we have seen 40%+ consumers convert on these offers.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

4. Buy more of the same product

There are two ways to run this offer at checkout

1. Offer a bigger size of the same product at a discounted price

With a high purchase intent at checkout, a consumer is willing to buy a larger pack of the same product if offered with the right discount or incentive. We have seen 15-30% customers upgrade to a bigger sized item and increase AOV at checkout.

This strategy entices customers with the promise of better value for a slightly higher immediate spend, thus increasing the Average Order Value.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

2. Run “Buy More Save More” offers at checkout

Offer the same product with a discount - e.g. ‘Buy 2, get 15% off’ or ‘Buy 2, get a 3rd free’

Offering shoppers to add more of the same product at a discount is a great way to upsell and increase AOV at checkout. A lot of shoppers like to stock on items especially if they are consistently using the same brand and product.

In addition, if you have multiple variants of the same product like flavours, colours or scents, the consumer is more likely to add a variant at a discount. It is one of the most successful checkout upsell offer as its a quick decision offer and does not require the consumer to go back to cart or choose another item.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

You can also encourage shoppers to buy more by offering a tiered discount that ensures they add something to the cart to meet the criteria.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

5. Maximizing Revenue with Upsell Offers at Shopify Checkout

The most underrated upsell strategy is to understand the paying capacity of your customer and unlock offers according to same. If a consumer is willing to pay more for an upsell, present the same to them and experiment what upsell price point works for your store the best.

Rule of thumb is to suggest products between 10% to 50% of the cart value or product price. For instance, recommend products ranging between $80 to $120 when customers have a cart value of around $100.

One of our Shopify Plus brands Metaflow, experimented with an upsell strategy where higher the product or cart value, higher the upsell offer that was presented to shoppers. Within 25 days they converted 1382 upsell offers and generated €63K worth of upsell revenue. They used ChekoutWiz to set up the rules and discounts for the upsell and were live in less than 20 minutes with the checkout customisation.

This strategy requires you to choose the right items to upsell based on products added to cart and quantity for same. All of this can easily be set up in CheckoutWiz without any need to code or complicated updates.

See below where a €19.9 cart value has an upsell offer same as cart value with a big discount. Whereas a cart with products worth €144.9 and €198.9 are presented with a higher upsell value but same discount.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

You can also put a free shipping threshold on the checkout page to remind customers that they could get free shipping with a minimum cart value. This encourages shoppers to add more to the cart.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

6. Upsell gifting options like a wrap or a greeting card

People love to personalise gifts and more willing to pay for same at checkout. According to a research, personalization is the most important factor for 85% of gift buyers.

Providing quick easy to add items like a wrap, greeting card or even a small item that makes the gift better are some of the easiest ways for boosting AOV with Shopify Checkout Offers.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

7. Offer mini samples of new product launches or digital products at a discounted price or even free

Promoting mini or trial-sized products can be a fun and effective way to introduce your customers to new items while also boosting your Lifetime Value (LTV). Merchants, here's a golden nugget for you: Offer these samples at a special discount during checkout. You'll be surprised to know that such a strategy can lift your AOV by up to 20%. It's a smart way to upsell while giving your shoppers a delightful sneak peek into your product range.

In addition to upselling, consider the power of the no-strings-attached gesture. Sometimes, offering samples or digital products (Eg a recipe book with a weight loss supplement program) as free add-ons at checkout can be a game-changer for customer loyalty. While it might not immediately boost the transaction's value, it plants a seed of goodwill and appreciation. Consumers often remember and appreciate these unexpected surprises, associating the brand with generosity and value. Over time, this fosters trust and loyalty, leading to repeat purchases and a deeper customer-brand connection. After all, a satisfied and loyal customer is one of the best assets a business can have.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

8. Bundling Discounts that encourage customers to add more items at checkout to get a bundle offer

One potent strategy that e-commerce merchants are employing to drive upsells at checkout is the art of bundling. When a customer adds products to their cart, CheckoutWiz can suggest complementary products that form a coherent bundle, offering the entire set at a discounted rate. Not only does this present a perceived value proposition to the customer, but it also incentivizes them to spend more. A prime example of this strategy in action is by the Shopify brand, Gymshark. When a shopper adds workout leggings to their cart, they might be prompted with a discounted bundle featuring a matching sports bra and a sweat-wicking headband. By presenting these curated bundles at checkout, merchants can enhance the AOV while getting more products in front of the buyer. Make sure that these bundle products present a quick buying choice that does not need the customer to go back to the product page.

You can also create bundle offers on checkout by combining products with free gifts. For eg. suggest a “make a complete set” offer at checkout and include a free gift in the set to make the purchase more appealing.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

Curious about product bundles that work?

9. Upsell Subscriptions at Checkout

A powerful upsell strategy that many e-commerce merchants are tapping into is the offer of subscriptions at checkout. This approach provides two significant advantages: a boost in AOV and an increase in the customer's LTV. By proposing a subscription option at the critical point of purchase, brands can transform a one-time purchase into a recurring revenue stream. This not only assures consistent sales but also deepens the customer-brand relationship, leading to more sustained engagement. Furthermore, subscriptions often represent convenience and savings to consumers, making it an appealing choice.

For eg, Prose offers subscription at multiple points in the consumer buying journey, however it prominently advertises discount on subscriptions at checkout.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

Learn how to create subscription bundles effectively.

10. Upsell Add-on Services

Upselling add-on services at checkout, such as shipping protection, priority shipping charges, free shipping for an extended period, or extended warranties, can be a game-changer for online merchants. These services don't just represent an additional revenue stream but also cater to a range of customer needs, enhancing the overall shopping experience. By offering these options, merchants can address common customer anxieties like potential shipping damages, delayed deliveries, or product longevity.

When a customer opts for such services, a deeper trust and commitment is formed with the brand, which can help fostering brand loyalty. You are not only upselling these services, but also paving way for long term customer retention.

Lastly, a small donation to charities at checkout is also a great way to establish trust with customers and showcase your brand values.

Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus
Checkout Extensions for Shopify Plus

Explore how AI can optimize your upsell offers.

What not to do when you upsell at Checkout

How to improve chances of conversion at checkout while upselling or cross-selling

1. Do not clutter your checkout with a lot of offers

While we have given you ideas to upsell at checkout, by no means should you implement all of them. You want to ensure that the shopper completes their purchase once they reach checkout and hence lesser the options to decide on, faster the checkout.

Ideally checkout should just have one-two highly relevant offers at checkout. The objective is to keep checkout distraction free and not be sent back into browsing the store.

In addition, if you are going to recommend products at checkout, do not offer more than 3 relevant products. Make sure they are presented with good visuals ans a clear copy.

All the upsell and cross-sell offers we discussed, can also be presented at the cart or product pages, but the delight of seeing final additional discounts or even free items is much higher when you are at checkout just about to make a payment.

2. Recommend products that do not require user to go back to cart pr product page

The recommended products should be straightforward and the shopper must be able to directly choose variants or size at checkout itself. At no cost should the buyer be made to go back from checkout to avail the offer or discount.

3. Don’t repeat upsells that you have already shown on the product or cart page

No one likes being shown the same products over and over again when you have already shown no interest in it. Offer different products and discounts in the consumer journey depending on what sells the best at which point.

4. Keep the checkout page design and offers clean

This is the most important aspect to ensure a guaranteed purchase. According to a study, almost 70% of shoppers abandon their carts.

For e-commerce merchants, the checkout process is a pivotal juncture, bridging the journey between browsing and buying. Prioritizing a minimalistic and distraction-free Shopify checkout design is paramount to prevent cart abandonment. A cluttered and complex checkout can confuse or overwhelm customers, leading to a drop-off. By ensuring a swift and seamless process, merchants stand a higher chance of retaining customer interest and finalizing the sale. However, this doesn’t mean that upselling opportunities should be overlooked. It’s entirely possible to enhance the customer’s cart value without imposing cognitive load. The trick lies in the balance and design.

Good design doesn't just appeal aesthetically; it guides the customer effortlessly. By combining a streamlined checkout with subtle yet effective upselling, merchants can optimize both user experience and revenue generation.


In today's e-commerce landscape, the art of upselling at the checkout isn't just about increasing immediate revenue—it's a strategic approach to enhancing customer experience, loyalty, and lifetime value. Whether it's introducing customers to new products, bundling complementary items, providing service-based add-ons, or encouraging larger size purchases, the goal remains consistent: offer genuine value without overwhelming the customer. Top Shopify brands across industries exemplify this, integrating upselling techniques seamlessly into their checkout processes. For merchants, the key is to strike the right balance. A minimalistic and distraction-free checkout design ensures that the primary goal—converting the sale—isn't compromised. At the same time, carefully curated upsell offers can sweeten the deal, guiding customers to make choices that enhance their overall shopping experience. Ultimately, when done thoughtfully and effectively, upselling at checkout can transform a mere transaction into a memorable shopping journey, benefiting both the brand and its customers.

We understand the importance of checkout for a merchant and using these guiding principles, we have designed one of the best Shopify checkout apps - CheckoutWiz. Specifically designed to epitomize effective checkout design, our app empowers merchants to seamlessly weave in elements like upsell offers, trust badges, banners, and custom logic for shipping and payment options. The balance between upselling and ensuring a stellar user experience has never been more attainable. With CheckoutWiz at your side, you can effortlessly refine your checkout process, increase customer trust, and utilize Shopify Checkout conversion strategies with ease for more sales.

Get in touch with us if you would like to set up your checkout for conversion or even help you with migration from checkout.liquid to checkout extensions.

Discover more ways to enhance your checkout experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I effectively upsell products on my Shopify checkout page?

To effectively upsell products on your Shopify checkout page, you can use strategies like offering limited-time discounts on higher-priced items, suggesting related products, or bundling complementary items. Using CheckoutWiz for easy setup and using AI for personalized recommendations can also enhance upsell effectiveness. Here are some other ways you can use to effectively personalize your upsell:

  1. Analyzing Customer Data: Use past purchase history to make relevant suggestions.
  2. Segmentation: Tailor offers based on customer segments like new visitors, repeat customers, etc.
  3. Behavioral Triggers: Utilize browsing behavior to present real-time personalized offers.

2. What are some successful cross-selling techniques for Shopify stores?

Successful cross-selling techniques for Shopify stores include presenting relevant product recommendations based on the items in the customer's cart, such as a battery upsell for a CBD vape cartridge. Personalizing these offers with AI, and offering items at a discount or as part of a bundle, can significantly boost cross-sell success.

3. How do upsell offers at checkout impact Shopify store revenue?

Upsell offers at the Shopify checkout can significantly increase store revenue by encouraging customers to purchase higher-priced items or additional products. This increases the average order value and, when done effectively, can lead to a substantial rise in total sales and customer lifetime value.

4. What strategies can increase conversion rates at Shopify checkout?

To increase conversion rates at Shopify checkout, keep the process streamlined and distraction-free. Offer relevant, easy-to-understand upsells and cross-sells without requiring customers to navigate back to the cart or product page. Here are a few strategies in detail to try:

  1. Streamlined Checkout Process: Simplify the checkout flow to minimize distractions.
  2. Clear and Attractive Offer Presentation: Ensure offers are easily understandable and visually appealing.
  3. Personalized Recommendations: Use customer data to make relevant product suggestions.
  4. Trust Signals: Display security badges and customer reviews to build trust.
Get higher conversions with Checkout Wiz
Transform your Shopify Checkout with Custom Blocks, Upsell Widgets, Surveys and Full Branding Control
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Skyrocket Your Sales with Checkout Wiz: Unlock 10+ Conversion Boosting Features!
Transform your checkout with Checkout Wiz: Enjoy custom content blocks, upsell widgets, surveys, and full branding control for maximum conversions and revenue.
Transform your checkout with Checkout Wiz: Enjoy custom content blocks, upsell widgets, surveys, and full branding control for maximum conversions and revenue.
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